Minutes – Copies of the website address for GCWS, www.gcws.blogspot.com, were distributed to those in attendance. It was suggested that members could mark this as a “favorite” to find it more easily. As has been the past practice, paper copies will be available in the back for the few members who do not have internet access.
The Treasurers Report – Alice Fossett reported that the balance at the end of August was $8,275. 57.
Classes/Workshops: Susan Grogan offers a watercolor class on Friday mornings at Hobby Lobby, Eastgate.
Jack Nolan will have a 3 day workshop Oct. 21-23 in Mariemont.
Visitors: Diana Ross (new member), Diane Johnson, Gay Issacs
Report from The Evergreen Committee:
An update on the upcoming show was given.
People who are “sitting” the show were told to ask for the guest book if it is not out, and that there is a basket of information available for them.
Joan Ammerman asked for more help for people to place paintings.
Members were reminded that the Oct. 6 meeting includes a free lunch provided by Evergreen and asked to indicate whether or not they planned to attend.
Next meeting In October our meeting will be held at Evergreen, 230 W. Galbraith Rd, NOT in our usual setting. The program will be presented by Barb Smucker. A workshop will be held after the free luncheon.
Submitted by Carol Fencl, Communications
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