Wednesday, June 9, 2010

JUNE Meeting

Administration/Business Reports
Eileen Hulsman opened the meeting. We met surrounded by the butterfly pictures done by members of the Cincinnati Art Club and our own Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society, in conjunction with the Butterfly Show being held concurrently at the Krohn Conservatory.

Evergreen Show
The theme for our show this year is The Best of the Best. Each member will be allowed to submit two pictures. A judge will be hired to determine the prizewinners for the show, and the monetary prizes will be announced at the opening on Sunday. The committee reminded us that pictures will be brought to Evergreen on Sept. 16, and the actual show itself will be Sept. 19 – Oct. 30. All pictures will be picked up on Nov. 1. There will be 10 times when sitters are needed to staff the show during the weekend hours. We were also reminded that our normal Oct. 6 meeting will be held at Evergreen and will include a lunch provided by Evergreen. We’ll have our morning presentation, as well as an after-lunch workshop.

Treasurer’s Report
Alice Fossett, Treasurer, announced that our checking account balance the end of May was $9,784.64. We now have 97 members.

Other announcements:
Sharon Roeder will no longer hold the office, and a new publicity chair is needed. Mary Marxen thanked people for the cards sent during her recovery.

Art Shows and News
The Sycamore Center will have a show at Sharon Woods Welcome Center in the Park beginning on June 13.

Our presenter, Greg Albert was jointly introduced by Nancy Wisely, Program Chair and his friend/student , Sam Hollingsworth. His presentation was entitled, “Perspective made easy finally.” A critique followed the presentation.