Sunday, April 3, 2011
Please visit our new blogspot at This blog will now become an archive the Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society. Further updates can be seen on the new site.
Friday, January 21, 2011
We really let it snow at our Christmas party. Here are a few of the 'flakes' created on various rice papers, using hot wax and and watercolor. Each artist created an original, one of a kind, snowflake. This is proof that no two are ever the same. The last snowflake needs an owner??? Please leave a comment to let me know if it's yours. These first pictures show some of the artists at work. Let it snow!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
MINUTES January 5, 2011
President Eileen Hulsman called the meeting to order. She asked for feedback about the December meeting/program as well as the member luncheon.
Alice Fossett reported the bank balance as of Dec. 31 was 7,111.02
Joan Ammerman reported that double-sided glass frames, suitable for framing last month's demonstration workshop's batik snowflakes could be purchased at Hobby Lobby.
There will be a Second Sunday Show at the Women's Art Club Barn in Mariemont.
Honors won -
Wynne Bittlinger won First place and Barbara Pryor won third place at the Cincinnati Art Club show.
Program for February will be Kay Worz -Secrets of Painting for Competitions
The Split-the-Pot brought in $54 for the Scholarship Fund
The program was presented by Sam Hollinsworth - A History of Watercolor. After the program, there was a painting critique by Sam.
Carol Fencl, Communications Chair
Alice Fossett reported the bank balance as of Dec. 31 was 7,111.02
Joan Ammerman reported that double-sided glass frames, suitable for framing last month's demonstration workshop's batik snowflakes could be purchased at Hobby Lobby.
There will be a Second Sunday Show at the Women's Art Club Barn in Mariemont.
Honors won -
Wynne Bittlinger won First place and Barbara Pryor won third place at the Cincinnati Art Club show.
Program for February will be Kay Worz -Secrets of Painting for Competitions
The Split-the-Pot brought in $54 for the Scholarship Fund
The program was presented by Sam Hollinsworth - A History of Watercolor. After the program, there was a painting critique by Sam.
Carol Fencl, Communications Chair
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Minutes Nov. 10, 2010
President Eileen Hulsman called the meeting to order.
We met the second Wednesday due to the Viewpoint show's preparations the first Wednesday, but it allowed those present to enjoy our meeting in the midst of the show hung around us. The club members who had entered the show, as well as those who actually were accepted, we recognized at the meeting. It was noted that the first prize this year was a watercolor.
Deb Ward announced that she had sent out the names of new members to those on the e-mail list.
Treasurer's Report
Alice Fossett announced that the income from the art show was $420, with 42 members entering, and the expenses were $683, including prizes, judge's fee, publicity, and miscellaneous costs.
The Scholarship Fund still needs a chair. Joan Miley announced a raffle to be held at the Dec. meeting to raise money for the scholarship fund.
Deb Ward - Fluid Acrylics workshop Nov 13/14.
The Cincinnati Women's Art Club - fiber show exhibit at The Barn in Mariemont.
Queen City Art Club - "Christmas in Mason" at the Mason Public Library.
Howrad Krause - a workshop by Tony Van Hasslet in Oxford.
At our December meeting, with presenter Sandy Maudlin, there will be no charge for the afternoon workshop, which will be held after the holiday luncheon, supplied by members. Members were asked to bring things in dishes either clearly marked or in dishes they did not want back.
Nancy Nordloh Neville presented the program: Working with the White of the Paper, followed by a critique, then an afternoon workshop.
The December meeting will have Sandy Maudlin as presenter, with a luncheon provided by the members and a free afternoon workshop.
Carol Fencl, Communication Chair
We met the second Wednesday due to the Viewpoint show's preparations the first Wednesday, but it allowed those present to enjoy our meeting in the midst of the show hung around us. The club members who had entered the show, as well as those who actually were accepted, we recognized at the meeting. It was noted that the first prize this year was a watercolor.
Deb Ward announced that she had sent out the names of new members to those on the e-mail list.
Treasurer's Report
Alice Fossett announced that the income from the art show was $420, with 42 members entering, and the expenses were $683, including prizes, judge's fee, publicity, and miscellaneous costs.
The Scholarship Fund still needs a chair. Joan Miley announced a raffle to be held at the Dec. meeting to raise money for the scholarship fund.
Deb Ward - Fluid Acrylics workshop Nov 13/14.
The Cincinnati Women's Art Club - fiber show exhibit at The Barn in Mariemont.
Queen City Art Club - "Christmas in Mason" at the Mason Public Library.
Howrad Krause - a workshop by Tony Van Hasslet in Oxford.
At our December meeting, with presenter Sandy Maudlin, there will be no charge for the afternoon workshop, which will be held after the holiday luncheon, supplied by members. Members were asked to bring things in dishes either clearly marked or in dishes they did not want back.
Nancy Nordloh Neville presented the program: Working with the White of the Paper, followed by a critique, then an afternoon workshop.
The December meeting will have Sandy Maudlin as presenter, with a luncheon provided by the members and a free afternoon workshop.
Carol Fencl, Communication Chair
Minutes of Oct. 6, 2010
The October meeting of the GCWS was held in the lovely auditorium at Evergreen Retirement Center. President Eileen Hulsman called the meeting to order. She thanked the "Evergreen Group" of Joan Ammerman, Carolyn Gesteland, Ginny Mooney - the three that helped put the show and luncheon together. She also thanked those that helped hang the show, did registration, and completed all the jobs that needed to be done so that the meeting could be held at Evergreen. Thanks to Marilyn Bishop for all of her work on publicity. We even had TV coverage!
Don't forget that our next meeting will be the second Wednesday of November, on the 10th, and the speaker will be Nancy Neville.
A clipboard was passed around for sign up to bring something for our Christmas buffet.
President Hulsman then awards the prize money for the winners of the show as follows -
1st Place - Sandy Maudlin $250
2nd Place - Taylor Bush $100
3rd Place - Joan Ammerman $50
Honorable mentions were Susan Grogan, Larry Sparks, and Sam Hollingsworth.
There were several handouts for workshop info.
Sharon Cranston and Jenny Meyers from Evergreen were introduced. They welcomed us to the facility and complimented us on our paintings.
Nancy Wisely introduced Barbara Smucker, who talked about making paintings that tell stories. After her talk, we were treated to a luncheon provided by Evergreen.
Submitted by Carol Steuer, Secretary Pro Tem
Don't forget that our next meeting will be the second Wednesday of November, on the 10th, and the speaker will be Nancy Neville.
A clipboard was passed around for sign up to bring something for our Christmas buffet.
President Hulsman then awards the prize money for the winners of the show as follows -
1st Place - Sandy Maudlin $250
2nd Place - Taylor Bush $100
3rd Place - Joan Ammerman $50
Honorable mentions were Susan Grogan, Larry Sparks, and Sam Hollingsworth.
There were several handouts for workshop info.
Sharon Cranston and Jenny Meyers from Evergreen were introduced. They welcomed us to the facility and complimented us on our paintings.
Nancy Wisely introduced Barbara Smucker, who talked about making paintings that tell stories. After her talk, we were treated to a luncheon provided by Evergreen.
Submitted by Carol Steuer, Secretary Pro Tem
Friday, September 10, 2010
Minutes – Copies of the website address for GCWS,, were distributed to those in attendance. It was suggested that members could mark this as a “favorite” to find it more easily. As has been the past practice, paper copies will be available in the back for the few members who do not have internet access.
The Treasurers Report – Alice Fossett reported that the balance at the end of August was $8,275. 57.
Classes/Workshops: Susan Grogan offers a watercolor class on Friday mornings at Hobby Lobby, Eastgate.
Jack Nolan will have a 3 day workshop Oct. 21-23 in Mariemont.
Visitors: Diana Ross (new member), Diane Johnson, Gay Issacs
Report from The Evergreen Committee:
An update on the upcoming show was given.
People who are “sitting” the show were told to ask for the guest book if it is not out, and that there is a basket of information available for them.
Joan Ammerman asked for more help for people to place paintings.
Members were reminded that the Oct. 6 meeting includes a free lunch provided by Evergreen and asked to indicate whether or not they planned to attend.
Next meeting In October our meeting will be held at Evergreen, 230 W. Galbraith Rd, NOT in our usual setting. The program will be presented by Barb Smucker. A workshop will be held after the free luncheon.
Submitted by Carol Fencl, Communications
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
“Best of the Best” Art Show offers prizes for first time
The Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society opens a new chapter in its art show exhibits by offering First, Second and Third Prizes for new and original paintings by its members.
Watercolor by GCWS member, Jean Vance
The free show, open to the public, begins September 19 at noon to 4 p.m. at Evergreen Retirement Community, 230 West Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45215. Viewing of the prize-winning entries will continue daily through October 31, 2010 from noon to 4 p.m. Members of the Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society use a variety of watermedia to generate images that range from traditional to the unexpected.
Watercolor by GCWS member, Virginia Mooney
During the opening event the Evergreen facility displays its gracious space designed for the senior lifestyle.
Judge for the show is Michael McGuire, an illustrator and President of Cincinnati Academy of Design. As a teacher he instructed and inspired many award-winning art designers.
The Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society is the only organization in the Tri-state area that focuses exclusively on water-based painting. Although watercolor is the primary paint, members also use gouache, casein, and acrylic on surfaces such as paper, Yupo, (a plastic product), board, canvas and hand-made paper. The art might be brushed, sprayed, poured or printed onto the surface.
Begun in 2002 with the intent of offering a gathering place to paint, the organization quickly grew from 29 members to over 100. The purpose of the organizers was to make it an inclusive group. Thus no labels denote levels of expertise although a recent survey showed that over 50 percent consider themselves advanced artists.
Watercolor by GCWS member, Sam Hollinsworth
The Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society opens a new chapter in its art show exhibits by offering First, Second and Third Prizes for new and original paintings by its members.

The free show, open to the public, begins September 19 at noon to 4 p.m. at Evergreen Retirement Community, 230 West Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45215. Viewing of the prize-winning entries will continue daily through October 31, 2010 from noon to 4 p.m. Members of the Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society use a variety of watermedia to generate images that range from traditional to the unexpected.

During the opening event the Evergreen facility displays its gracious space designed for the senior lifestyle.
Judge for the show is Michael McGuire, an illustrator and President of Cincinnati Academy of Design. As a teacher he instructed and inspired many award-winning art designers.
The Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society is the only organization in the Tri-state area that focuses exclusively on water-based painting. Although watercolor is the primary paint, members also use gouache, casein, and acrylic on surfaces such as paper, Yupo, (a plastic product), board, canvas and hand-made paper. The art might be brushed, sprayed, poured or printed onto the surface.
Begun in 2002 with the intent of offering a gathering place to paint, the organization quickly grew from 29 members to over 100. The purpose of the organizers was to make it an inclusive group. Thus no labels denote levels of expertise although a recent survey showed that over 50 percent consider themselves advanced artists.

The watercolor society offers painting demonstrations followed by a workshop every first Wednesday of the month at 10 a.m. at the Cincinnati Art Club, 1021 Parkside Place in Mt. Adams. Guests are welcome at attend.
Watercolor by GCWS member, Joan Miley

Monthly notes of meetings plus other relevant information for artists can be seen here at the organization’s blog:
Monday, August 9, 2010
August Minutes

In the absence of our President, Joan Miley chaired the meeting.
The Treasurers Report - Alice Fossett announced we began the month of July with $8,959.64 and ended it with a balance of $8,526. 82.
July Minutes - Carol Fencl, Communications, announced that the minutes could be viewed online at our blog. Paper copies were passed for those who did not have internet access.
New member Taylor Bush introduced her guest.
Report from The Evergreen Committee:
Entry forms for the Evergreen show were available, as well as postcards and flyers. All persons will need to sign a waiver for their pictures to be hung in the show. This can be submitted with the picture if someone else is delivering it on Sept. 16, or else signed that day.
A few more spaces are still available for sitting the show on the weekends at Evergreen.
The sign-up sheet for the free lunch to be held after our Oct. meeting at Evergreen (Oct. 6) was passed around to give them an idea of approximately how many planned to attend.
Joan introduced our guest speaker Deb Ward. Her topic was Innovative Watercolor Technique with Casein. There was no critique after the presentation. An afternoon workshop was offered by Deb.
In September the program will be Exploring Color and Creativity, presented by Nita Leland.
Submitted by Carol Fencl, Communications
Monday, July 26, 2010
Painting the Figure with Watercolors
Minutes of July 7, 2010
The meeting was opened by President Eileen Hulsman.
The meeting was opened by President Eileen Hulsman.
Workshops mentioned and brochures placed on the back tables:
Jack Nolan - workshop at the Woman's Art Club Oct. 21, 22, 23
Susan Grogan is teaching at Hobby Lobby EastGate, call for times or to see if the course is cancelled/changed.
Queen City Art Club Show opening July 11, 2 to 4 at Marjorie P. Lee @ 3550 Shaw Avenue (871-2090)
Deb Ward workshop July 29/30 or July 31/Aug.1 10 to 4.
Judy Anderson workshop August 4, 5, 6. 10 to 3 Woman's Art Club.
Marlene Steele workshop Evendale Art Center Sept. 3,4,5. Marlene also teaches at the Cincinnati Art Academy Communiversity Program.
The Treasurer's Report by Alice Fossett. We began the month of June with $9784.64 and ended the month with $8959.64.
The Co-Membership Chair report by Jane Hittinger. No new members today. In the process of making new membership tags so see Jane if you need a new tag.
The Program Chair Nancy Wisely said that next month our program will be Deb Ward and the annual members sale. There was discussion about putting up a "For Free Table" with a scholarship donation basket on the table.
Aug. Deb Ward and Members Sale
Sept. Nita Leland
Oct. - Barb Smucker - held at Evergreen
Nov.- Nancy Neville
Dec. - Christmas Party
Jan. - Sam Hollingsworth
Feb. - Kay Wortz
March - open
April - Judy Anderson
President Hulsman announced that Sharon Roeder has stepped down as publicity chair and scholarship chair. We need a volunteer for the position. There were no volunteers at the time of the meeting.
Report from The Evergreen Committee: A sign up sheet is being passed around for sitting the show on the weekends at Evergreen. Attach a 3 x 5 card or paper to the back and to the front of the frame with your name, phone and title of painting. Attach your bio to the back of the painting. The price is still the same $10 for one or two paintings. Only dues paid up members may enter. All water media paintings accepted. Paintings must be ready to hang with screws and wire, no sawtooth hangers. There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Registration forms, post cards, and the Evergreen waiver form were handed out prior to the meeting. There is a correction on the registration form. THE DROP OFF DATE IS SEPT. 16. Call Eileen Hulsman if you cannot deliver your painting on that date or if you cannot find a person to deliver your painting.
Nancy Wisely introduced our guest speaker Marlene Steele. Her topic was Painting the Figure with Watercolors. Photos below show Marlene as she worked during her informative presentation.

Submitted by Carol Steuer, Secretary pro-tem
Jack Nolan - workshop at the Woman's Art Club Oct. 21, 22, 23
Susan Grogan is teaching at Hobby Lobby EastGate, call for times or to see if the course is cancelled/changed.
Queen City Art Club Show opening July 11, 2 to 4 at Marjorie P. Lee @ 3550 Shaw Avenue (871-2090)
Deb Ward workshop July 29/30 or July 31/Aug.1 10 to 4.
Judy Anderson workshop August 4, 5, 6. 10 to 3 Woman's Art Club.
Marlene Steele workshop Evendale Art Center Sept. 3,4,5. Marlene also teaches at the Cincinnati Art Academy Communiversity Program.
The Treasurer's Report by Alice Fossett. We began the month of June with $9784.64 and ended the month with $8959.64.
The Co-Membership Chair report by Jane Hittinger. No new members today. In the process of making new membership tags so see Jane if you need a new tag.
The Program Chair Nancy Wisely said that next month our program will be Deb Ward and the annual members sale. There was discussion about putting up a "For Free Table" with a scholarship donation basket on the table.
Aug. Deb Ward and Members Sale
Sept. Nita Leland
Oct. - Barb Smucker - held at Evergreen
Nov.- Nancy Neville
Dec. - Christmas Party
Jan. - Sam Hollingsworth
Feb. - Kay Wortz
March - open
April - Judy Anderson
President Hulsman announced that Sharon Roeder has stepped down as publicity chair and scholarship chair. We need a volunteer for the position. There were no volunteers at the time of the meeting.
Report from The Evergreen Committee: A sign up sheet is being passed around for sitting the show on the weekends at Evergreen. Attach a 3 x 5 card or paper to the back and to the front of the frame with your name, phone and title of painting. Attach your bio to the back of the painting. The price is still the same $10 for one or two paintings. Only dues paid up members may enter. All water media paintings accepted. Paintings must be ready to hang with screws and wire, no sawtooth hangers. There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Registration forms, post cards, and the Evergreen waiver form were handed out prior to the meeting. There is a correction on the registration form. THE DROP OFF DATE IS SEPT. 16. Call Eileen Hulsman if you cannot deliver your painting on that date or if you cannot find a person to deliver your painting.
Nancy Wisely introduced our guest speaker Marlene Steele. Her topic was Painting the Figure with Watercolors. Photos below show Marlene as she worked during her informative presentation.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
JUNE Meeting
Administration/Business Reports
Eileen Hulsman opened the meeting. We met surrounded by the butterfly pictures done by members of the Cincinnati Art Club and our own Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society, in conjunction with the Butterfly Show being held concurrently at the Krohn Conservatory.
Evergreen Show
The theme for our show this year is The Best of the Best. Each member will be allowed to submit two pictures. A judge will be hired to determine the prizewinners for the show, and the monetary prizes will be announced at the opening on Sunday. The committee reminded us that pictures will be brought to Evergreen on Sept. 16, and the actual show itself will be Sept. 19 – Oct. 30. All pictures will be picked up on Nov. 1. There will be 10 times when sitters are needed to staff the show during the weekend hours. We were also reminded that our normal Oct. 6 meeting will be held at Evergreen and will include a lunch provided by Evergreen. We’ll have our morning presentation, as well as an after-lunch workshop.
Treasurer’s Report
Alice Fossett, Treasurer, announced that our checking account balance the end of May was $9,784.64. We now have 97 members.
Other announcements:
Sharon Roeder will no longer hold the office, and a new publicity chair is needed. Mary Marxen thanked people for the cards sent during her recovery.
Art Shows and News
The Sycamore Center will have a show at Sharon Woods Welcome Center in the Park beginning on June 13.
Our presenter, Greg Albert was jointly introduced by Nancy Wisely, Program Chair and his friend/student , Sam Hollingsworth. His presentation was entitled, “Perspective made easy finally.” A critique followed the presentation.
Eileen Hulsman opened the meeting. We met surrounded by the butterfly pictures done by members of the Cincinnati Art Club and our own Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society, in conjunction with the Butterfly Show being held concurrently at the Krohn Conservatory.
Evergreen Show
The theme for our show this year is The Best of the Best. Each member will be allowed to submit two pictures. A judge will be hired to determine the prizewinners for the show, and the monetary prizes will be announced at the opening on Sunday. The committee reminded us that pictures will be brought to Evergreen on Sept. 16, and the actual show itself will be Sept. 19 – Oct. 30. All pictures will be picked up on Nov. 1. There will be 10 times when sitters are needed to staff the show during the weekend hours. We were also reminded that our normal Oct. 6 meeting will be held at Evergreen and will include a lunch provided by Evergreen. We’ll have our morning presentation, as well as an after-lunch workshop.
Treasurer’s Report
Alice Fossett, Treasurer, announced that our checking account balance the end of May was $9,784.64. We now have 97 members.
Other announcements:
Sharon Roeder will no longer hold the office, and a new publicity chair is needed. Mary Marxen thanked people for the cards sent during her recovery.
Art Shows and News
The Sycamore Center will have a show at Sharon Woods Welcome Center in the Park beginning on June 13.
Our presenter, Greg Albert was jointly introduced by Nancy Wisely, Program Chair and his friend/student , Sam Hollingsworth. His presentation was entitled, “Perspective made easy finally.” A critique followed the presentation.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Annual Scholarship Presentation
Each year, the Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society awards a graduating high school student a scholarship check for $500 to help with future art education costs. Sharon Roeder, our Scholarship Chair, introduced us to our current recipient, Ossain Mendoza, a senior at Mason High School.
Marilyn Bishop (founder), and Jean Sollar (early member whose vision gave impetus to this award) were present at the ceremony. Jean presented the check to Ossain in front of his very proud and supportive mother and father, Maria and Alvaro, and his Mason High painting art teacher, Audry Gorman.
Administration/Business Reports
Eileen Hulsman opened the meeting.
Alice Fossett announced we now have 95 paid members. Since last year we have lost 13 and gained 3 new members.
Eileen and Marilyn presented Shirley Knollman with a plaque thanking her for her presidency in 2008 and 2009 as well as had a special cake for her.
GCWS Scholarship Presentation
The Scholarship committee, consisting of Sharon Roeder, Jean Soller and Marilyn Bishop presented the winner of this year’s GCWS Scholarship of $500. Ossian Mendoza, a senior at Mason High School was awarded the prize. He plans to attend Pratt Institute in New York in the fall. His teacher, Audrey Gorman and his parents were present at the meeting. Ossian brought some of his portfolio to share with the group.
There was a special cake in his honor as well.
Evergreen Show
It was announced that our Oct. 6 regular meeting will be held at the same place as our fall show, at Evergreen. There will be first, second and third prizes awarded that day. Evergreen has offered to provide free snacks for the morning and a lunch for those in attendance. Our October presenter, Barb Smucker, has agreed to present the program there, and she will also do a workshop after the lunch. The show itself will be from Sept. 19 through Oct. 31.
Future Programs
Nancy Wisely, Program Chair announced that for our June meeting, Greg Albert from the Art Academy will present “ Perspective made easy finally”.
Art Shows and News
Sam Hollingsworth announced the Collector’s Art Group from May 28 – June 27.
Peggy Lisnek will have two workshops (June 4 and June 5) on papermaking from 10 – 2:30. The cost will be $25 per person
Peggy Lisnek presented the program talking about how she makes handmade paper, and then demonstrated how to paint on it.
Each year, the Greater Cincinnati Watercolor Society awards a graduating high school student a scholarship check for $500 to help with future art education costs. Sharon Roeder, our Scholarship Chair, introduced us to our current recipient, Ossain Mendoza, a senior at Mason High School.

Ossain gave us a rare glimpse into his paintings, and the content behind those paintings. He showed us his “very first watercolor” painting, which reminded us older artists that there are some extremely talented young people in our high school art classes. It was a beautifully rendered traditional landscape, painted when Ossain was in 10th grade – also his first landscape painting. Ossain said it wasn’t that hard for him to take up watercolors after learning oils and acrylics, but that watercolor takes a lot of patience when you layer your colors. He also shared a couple of portraits of friends in acrylics, and a self-portrait rendered in pastels.
Ossain won a Gold Key award for a watercolor his sophomore year - a rare accomplishment he repeated his senior year. Ms. Gorman said Ossain’s commitment to work and expression are strong, and will serve him well as he goes on to attend the Pratt Institute (a private art college in New York City) after graduation. There is no doubt that we will be hearing the name Ossain Mendoza in the future and hope our small amount helps him in his future art career.
Ossain won a Gold Key award for a watercolor his sophomore year - a rare accomplishment he repeated his senior year. Ms. Gorman said Ossain’s commitment to work and expression are strong, and will serve him well as he goes on to attend the Pratt Institute (a private art college in New York City) after graduation. There is no doubt that we will be hearing the name Ossain Mendoza in the future and hope our small amount helps him in his future art career.
After the presentation of the check, Ossain and his parents and teacher were invited to share in the cake decorated in Ossain’s honor.

Administration/Business Reports
Eileen Hulsman opened the meeting.
Alice Fossett announced we now have 95 paid members. Since last year we have lost 13 and gained 3 new members.
Eileen and Marilyn presented Shirley Knollman with a plaque thanking her for her presidency in 2008 and 2009 as well as had a special cake for her.
GCWS Scholarship Presentation
The Scholarship committee, consisting of Sharon Roeder, Jean Soller and Marilyn Bishop presented the winner of this year’s GCWS Scholarship of $500. Ossian Mendoza, a senior at Mason High School was awarded the prize. He plans to attend Pratt Institute in New York in the fall. His teacher, Audrey Gorman and his parents were present at the meeting. Ossian brought some of his portfolio to share with the group.
There was a special cake in his honor as well.
Evergreen Show
It was announced that our Oct. 6 regular meeting will be held at the same place as our fall show, at Evergreen. There will be first, second and third prizes awarded that day. Evergreen has offered to provide free snacks for the morning and a lunch for those in attendance. Our October presenter, Barb Smucker, has agreed to present the program there, and she will also do a workshop after the lunch. The show itself will be from Sept. 19 through Oct. 31.
Future Programs
Nancy Wisely, Program Chair announced that for our June meeting, Greg Albert from the Art Academy will present “ Perspective made easy finally”.
Art Shows and News
Sam Hollingsworth announced the Collector’s Art Group from May 28 – June 27.
Peggy Lisnek will have two workshops (June 4 and June 5) on papermaking from 10 – 2:30. The cost will be $25 per person
Peggy Lisnek presented the program talking about how she makes handmade paper, and then demonstrated how to paint on it.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Administration/Business Reports
Eileen Hulsman (President) opened the meeting. Treasurer, Alice Fossett, announced that there were still some unpaid dues. Deb Ward announced that the books for sale were all priced at $7 each.
Future Programs
Nancy Wiseley, Program Chair, announced upcoming meetings
May: Peggy Lisnek - Handmade paper
June – Greg Albert from the Art Academy - Perspective made easy, finally.
July – Marlene Steele – The figure
August – Deb Ward – Painting with casein. Sale
Sept. Nita Leland – Color
Oct. Barb Smucker - TBD
Nov. Nancy Neville - Using white space
Dec. Holiday Party
Art Shows and News
The Evergreen Show committee of Joan Ammerman, Ginny Mooney and Carolyn Gestland reported that they would have details to announce after the Leadership Team meeting, but that the show plans were moving along well. Our pictures will be brought in on Sept. 16 to be hung, and the show itself will open Sept. 19 and run all through October, with the pictures to come down on Nov. 1. Evergreen will again pay for the postcards. Persons wanting to submit a photo to be used for the cards announcing the show should either bring it to the meeting in May or send it to Ginny Mooney.
The Southeast Arts Guild will have its show in Aurora Indiana April 17 – 24. It will be open from 10 – 8 on Saturday. On Sunday there will be a Meet the Artist from 2-4.
There are 7 more openings for the Joe Fettingis workshop in Aurora on May 20-22.
Marilyn Bishop reminded people to turn in any dvds from our library they might have at home so others may use them.
Joan introduced the program presenter, Marilyn Bishop – Monotype printing.
Critique Session
Marilyn critiqued several pieces while we were waiting for things to dry.
Friday, March 12, 2010

Sandy Maudlin presented a program of painting with Liquid Acrylics on YUPO. In comparison of the final product with traditional watercolors, the similarities were amazing. Sandy used some of the same techniques as for watercolor, but had the benefit of being able to make changes on the YUPO.
The original sketch on the YUPO paper is shown here, done before the demo started by using a pale blue Derwent Watercolor pencil. Sandy placed emphasis on how important it is to have a good pattern of darks and lights planned ahead of time.

Her hope was to create the feeling of spring, a walk in a park, but not at all a photographic rendition of a place. She did not use a photo reference for the painting but relied on her intial sketch on the YUPO paper for direction.
The brilliance of colors remain more vivid on YUPO than on watercolor paper because the paint never soaks into the paper. Sandy stated that right now, painting with fluid acrylics on YUPO is her first choice, but she still has a passion for watercolor. She said that whatever it takes to make a good painting is what she is willling to use.

Afternoon Painting Session on Yupo
Those who were able stayed for the Painting-on-Yupo-with-Liquid Acrylics lesson, with the materials supplied by Sandy for a cost of $15.
Administrative Meeting
Before the demo, Shirley Knollman (President) opened the meeting
There was no meeting held in January due to weather, and there were no secretary’s minutes from the Feb. meeting. February: Sam Hollingsworth’s talk and demo featured basic design, composition and pictorial development prior to painting. Sam is a graduate of Cincinnati College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning. He led the paint-along after the program, which was about "hands on illustrating." Class fee was $10.
Treasurer, Alice Fossett, collected the yearly dues and the updated information for the directory.
Installation of New Officers for 2010
Shirley Knollman and Eileen Hulsman
Shirley used a wild west theme to set the theme for the Installation of the following persons:
Eileen Hulsman, President
Nancy Wiseley, Program Chair
Carol Fencl, Recording Secretary
Carol Steuer, Assistant to Corresponding Secretary
The club’s retiring officers are Shirley Knollman, President; Rhonda Carpenter, Communications Secretary; Joan Miley, Program Chair; Susan Grogan, Facilities Chair.
Continuing on will be Alice Fossett, Treasurer; Jane Hittinger, Membership attendance; Deb Ward, Membership Records; Sharen Roeder, Publicity and Scholarship; Sandy Maudlin, Blog Manager.
There was no meeting held in January due to weather, and there were no secretary’s minutes from the Feb. meeting. February: Sam Hollingsworth’s talk and demo featured basic design, composition and pictorial development prior to painting. Sam is a graduate of Cincinnati College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning. He led the paint-along after the program, which was about "hands on illustrating." Class fee was $10.
Treasurer, Alice Fossett, collected the yearly dues and the updated information for the directory.
Installation of New Officers for 2010
Shirley Knollman and Eileen Hulsman
Shirley used a wild west theme to set the theme for the Installation of the following persons:
Eileen Hulsman, President
Nancy Wiseley, Program Chair
Carol Fencl, Recording Secretary
Carol Steuer, Assistant to Corresponding Secretary
The club’s retiring officers are Shirley Knollman, President; Rhonda Carpenter, Communications Secretary; Joan Miley, Program Chair; Susan Grogan, Facilities Chair.
Continuing on will be Alice Fossett, Treasurer; Jane Hittinger, Membership attendance; Deb Ward, Membership Records; Sharen Roeder, Publicity and Scholarship; Sandy Maudlin, Blog Manager.
Art Shows and News
Shirley announced that we will have our show in the fall at Evergreen again. It will be about Nov. Joan Ammerman, Carolyn Gestland, and Ginny Mooney volunteered to co-chair this event.
Ohio Watercolor Society in Canton OH. Show deadline is April 26.
Marlene Steele – classes to be held at Evendale April and May.
Bethesda North Outpatient Imaging and the Mary Jo Cropper Family Center for Breast Care present the 2nd Annual Juried Exhibition with a May 15 deadline and opening in September.
Butterfly Show at the Krohn Conservatory. Cincinnati Art Club members have invited members of the GCWS to enter pictures of butterflies to be sold the first weekend of June, with 10% going to the Krohn Conservatory. There will also be an exhibit of Japanese tea bowls.
Cincinnati Art Club will have an Associates member show here on March 12.
Dot Burdin of the Queen City Art Club announced the Fine Art at Twin Lakes show, with an opening Reception on Sunday March 7.
The Montgomery Woman’s Club is inviting artists to participate in their Annual Montgomery Antiques and Art Show and Sale to be held at Sycamore High School the weekend of March 19.
The Women’s Club in Mariemont will present a juried show. Their 'drop in and paint' time is on Tuesday from 10 – 3, with a $5 donation from non-members.
Cards were passed around to be signed for Mary Marxen and Wynne Bittlinger.
Looking ahead to Future Programs
April: Marilyn Bishop will give us a peek into her watercolor monotype-printmaking process. You will be able to do this without a press by using regular tools for brayers to transfer your print to your paper. The meeting will be on April 7.
Critique Session
Sandy critiqued several pieces from members after her demonstration.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Our program today was coordinated by Joan Miley, who purchased the paint and the glassware. The members were given paint, a brush, and either a wineglass or an ornament to paint on in their chosen style. Some members did more than one.

Reminder: Put your painted glass in the oven on a tray. Turn the oven on to 350 and let it bake for ½ hour. Turn the oven off BUT leave the glass in the oven until the oven cools. Then remove your glass. Until you bake the glass and paint, the paint does not set.
After everyone had a chance to paint one or two glass pieces, we had our holiday luncheon. Our thanks go to Joan Miley, who prepared and presented the meal. I heard many people saying how delicious it was, and I think some went back for seconds. J
Note: Barb Pryor reported that Mary Marxen has just gone through a 5th surgery after hip replacement. Let’s hope this time is the last surgery she has to have to repair the original replacement. I’m sure Mary would love to have a card or email from you. Her mailing and email information is in the members’ directory
Winter Weather Notice
Reminder: All members should check the local TV stations for reports of closings in the coming winter months. Winter is almost here so please remember to make it your responsibility to check the news for closings when the weather threatens. And remember, Mt. Adams is built on a hillside so what might be easy driving in your neighborhood could be very treacherous for driving and walking in Mt. Adams.
Administration/Business Reports
Shirley Knollman (President) opened the meeting with these quotes:
“The only time I feel alive is when I’m painting.” Vincent Van Gogh
“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the powerful engine of success.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Membership: Kay Sparks, wife of Larry Sparks, joined us today.
Treasurer: Alice said, with the income minus expenses for the year, and not including today’s expenses for the luncheon and program, we would end 2009 with $559. She gave a good summary of the importance of members by saying:
“Each member pays $45 a year for dues. It takes 13 members to pay our rent each year. It takes 31 members to pay for the guest speakers each year. It takes 17 members to pay for our custodian each year.”
So each member is important to the continuation and growth of the GCWS!
Election for Leadership 2010
Shirley named the candidates for the open positions:
Eileen Hulsman, President
Judi Clubb, Program Chair
Joan Miley, Facilities
Motion was raised to accept the candidates, seconded, and approved unanimously. Eileen, Judi and Joan take their new positions beginning March, 2010. (If you have program suggestions, please email or call Judi.)
Art Shows and News
Sam Hollingsworth reminded members of his winter session watercolor classes at Baker Hunt. The session begins in January and it’s not too early to sign up for beginning or intermediate watercolor with Sam.
Marilyn Bishop has opened an ETSY shop online to sell her paintings. You can explore this at Just type in mbishop71 to get to Marilyn’s site. You may want to try this to sell your work, also. It is not an auction site like eBay. You set a hard price and that is what you get, minus some administration fees from ETSY.
Critique Session
Sam Hollingsworth brought in a new painting, a surrealist view of a landscape with a river and waterfalls that wrapped around in a continuous oval. The title was “Don’t Believe Everything You Think.” Several members commented on the painting, asking questions about intent, etc. It was interesting to hear Sam’s ideas about the painting and watercolor art, in general, stressing message over technique. Sam tries to engage the viewer enough to get more than a cursory glance at his painting, even if the viewer is puzzled or disturbed by the painting.
Future Programs
January: Peggy Lisnek will teach us how to experiment with handmade paper. She will talk about the nature of handmade paper, and demonstrate how to paint on it. This process produces soft images and is a perfect way to "loosen up" your paintings. For those who will stay for the workshop, you will receive a sheet of handmade paper for your painting. Just bring your usual watercolors supplies and a simple design for your painting. Class fee $10.
February: Sam Hollingsworth’s talk and demo will feature basic design, composition and pictorial development prior to painting. Sam is a graduate of Cincinnati College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning. He will lead the paint-along after the program, which will be about "hands on illustrating." Class fee is $10.
March: Sandy Maudlin will give a talk and demo on painting with watercolors on yupo, the plastic “paper” first created for the printmaking business. Yupo is now used extensively by many well-known artists, including Sandy and George James.
April: Marilyn Bishop will give us a peek into her watercolor monotype-printmaking process. You will be able to do this without a press by using regular tools for brayers to transfer your print to your paper.

Reminder: Put your painted glass in the oven on a tray. Turn the oven on to 350 and let it bake for ½ hour. Turn the oven off BUT leave the glass in the oven until the oven cools. Then remove your glass. Until you bake the glass and paint, the paint does not set.

Note: Barb Pryor reported that Mary Marxen has just gone through a 5th surgery after hip replacement. Let’s hope this time is the last surgery she has to have to repair the original replacement. I’m sure Mary would love to have a card or email from you. Her mailing and email information is in the members’ directory
Winter Weather Notice
Reminder: All members should check the local TV stations for reports of closings in the coming winter months. Winter is almost here so please remember to make it your responsibility to check the news for closings when the weather threatens. And remember, Mt. Adams is built on a hillside so what might be easy driving in your neighborhood could be very treacherous for driving and walking in Mt. Adams.
Administration/Business Reports
Shirley Knollman (President) opened the meeting with these quotes:
“The only time I feel alive is when I’m painting.” Vincent Van Gogh
“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the powerful engine of success.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Membership: Kay Sparks, wife of Larry Sparks, joined us today.
Treasurer: Alice said, with the income minus expenses for the year, and not including today’s expenses for the luncheon and program, we would end 2009 with $559. She gave a good summary of the importance of members by saying:
“Each member pays $45 a year for dues. It takes 13 members to pay our rent each year. It takes 31 members to pay for the guest speakers each year. It takes 17 members to pay for our custodian each year.”
So each member is important to the continuation and growth of the GCWS!
Election for Leadership 2010
Shirley named the candidates for the open positions:
Eileen Hulsman, President
Judi Clubb, Program Chair
Joan Miley, Facilities
Motion was raised to accept the candidates, seconded, and approved unanimously. Eileen, Judi and Joan take their new positions beginning March, 2010. (If you have program suggestions, please email or call Judi.)
Art Shows and News
Sam Hollingsworth reminded members of his winter session watercolor classes at Baker Hunt. The session begins in January and it’s not too early to sign up for beginning or intermediate watercolor with Sam.
Marilyn Bishop has opened an ETSY shop online to sell her paintings. You can explore this at Just type in mbishop71 to get to Marilyn’s site. You may want to try this to sell your work, also. It is not an auction site like eBay. You set a hard price and that is what you get, minus some administration fees from ETSY.
Critique Session
Sam Hollingsworth brought in a new painting, a surrealist view of a landscape with a river and waterfalls that wrapped around in a continuous oval. The title was “Don’t Believe Everything You Think.” Several members commented on the painting, asking questions about intent, etc. It was interesting to hear Sam’s ideas about the painting and watercolor art, in general, stressing message over technique. Sam tries to engage the viewer enough to get more than a cursory glance at his painting, even if the viewer is puzzled or disturbed by the painting.
Future Programs
January: Peggy Lisnek will teach us how to experiment with handmade paper. She will talk about the nature of handmade paper, and demonstrate how to paint on it. This process produces soft images and is a perfect way to "loosen up" your paintings. For those who will stay for the workshop, you will receive a sheet of handmade paper for your painting. Just bring your usual watercolors supplies and a simple design for your painting. Class fee $10.
February: Sam Hollingsworth’s talk and demo will feature basic design, composition and pictorial development prior to painting. Sam is a graduate of Cincinnati College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning. He will lead the paint-along after the program, which will be about "hands on illustrating." Class fee is $10.
March: Sandy Maudlin will give a talk and demo on painting with watercolors on yupo, the plastic “paper” first created for the printmaking business. Yupo is now used extensively by many well-known artists, including Sandy and George James.
April: Marilyn Bishop will give us a peek into her watercolor monotype-printmaking process. You will be able to do this without a press by using regular tools for brayers to transfer your print to your paper.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Joan Miley (Programs) introduced our guest speaker, the always colorful Judy Anderson. Today Judy was going to demonstrate how to keep our greens working together in the painting without being boring or muddy. First, she talked about the drawing and the beginning watercolor painting she had (a house with lots of foliage around it). She reminded us that we have to “plan plan plan our paintings,” which includes choosing a dominant temperature for our painting, knowing where you want the “zing,” and knowing if you want high impact color or more subtle colors in your painting. Then make those choices work for you. 
Using only one pure green (Sap Green), Judy added 2 yellows, 1 blue and 1 red to her palette. She added those colors to the Sap Green to create a variety of greens for her foliage. She first made swatches of the colors to show what her palette would look like and the variety of colors she could create from just a few colors and one pure green. She showed us a finished painting to demonstrate how she varies her greens.
Judy said we must “orchestrate our colors,” making sure “our colors sing” by placing grayed colors next to pure colors, and by putting dark values next to light values.
In the demo painting, Judy wanted one set of trees to be pure color with lots of punch, and one set of trees to be more grayed greens. She said she wanted the pure color trees to stand out so they would make the building darker than they were in reality. She said we needed to remember that we are artists, not photographers, and we have the ability to change what we want in order to create drama and excitement in our paintings.
Judy noted that, when a painting isn’t working, 70% of time, it’s the values that aren’t right. So don’t be afraid of darks! She said she’d rather take a chance and go darker and possibly ruin a painting than have a “closet full of blahs.”
As she painted, Judy talked about how she normally paints, creating general blanket shapes of color and waiting to create more dimension with values, shapes and colors. She said every painting will have a domino effect = if you change one thing, you will have to change something else that is affected by the first change.
With all those greens in the painting, she wanted to have some warms in places to draw your eye and move your eye through the painting. She did this by placing some pure, warm yellow in doorways, for tree trunks, and in the sky to represent the sun.

Judy said one of the best things she ever learned in a workshop was, “Warm…Cool…Warm…
Cool…Warm.” Meaning, if you put something warm against something cool and continue, your eye will move through the painting easily.
Before the painting is finished, Judy likes to put in a little pattern and texture. Those patterns in her paintings have become a signature style for her, as well as her great design sense and use of color.
Judy said she used to do many value studies, but now she creates a line drawing, takes it to a copy center and has it blown up as much as 200%. When it’s blown up, she knows whether or not the shapes work in a large painting. She also uses a product called Color Aid, laying the large squares of color on a painting to test a color before putting it on her painting. She sometimes uses a piece of acetate on top of the painting, painting on it to help her choose a color if she’s ever in doubt
She also puts a thin line of paint around objects – not in the same color as the object but using a very dark color. This makes it like a watercolor with pen-and-ink, but without the black ink.
She will work more on this painting but, for today, the demo was complete and we got another look at the style and design elements that are so strong in all of Judy’s colorful, whimsical, beautiful paintings.
Critique Session
Judy led the critique session, and several members gained insight into how to make their paintings better using color variety and better compositional planning.
Judy stayed after the demo and meeting to lead the paint-along, sharing more of her painting knowledge with the members.
Administration/Business Reports
Shirley Knollman (President) opened the meeting with this “funny” from the internet:
“Researchers have recently discovered that the artist, Vincent van Gogh had quite a few interesting relatives:
A grandfather who moved to Yugoslavia = U Gogh
A dizzy blonde aunt = Verti Gogh
A brother who worked at a convenience story = Stopen Gogh
A magician uncle = Wherediddy Gogh
A psychiatrist nephew = E. Gogh
A niece who danced in a mini-skirt = Go Gogh
A very obnoxious brother = Please Gogh
A sister with a small bladder = Gotta Gogh
A cousin who moved to Illinois = Chica Gogh
A niece who moved to Mexico = Ami Gogh
A second cousin who drove a stagecoach = Wells Far Gogh
A birdwatching uncle = Flamin Gogh
A grand-niece whom no one has heard from because she’s been travelling around the USA for years = Winnie Bay Gogh”
Today we all got to walk around the room, viewing the beautiful paintings in the Cincinnati Art Club’s Viewpoint show. Several of our members got into the juried show. The members present were asked to stand by their painting and talk about their inspiration for their image.
Susan Grogan with her painting of a batiked swan...
Joan Miley with her painting of peppers...
Rhonda Carpenter with her painting of a macro hydrangea...
Other members who were juried into the show, but were not present at today’s meeting were, Carolyn Ross Hibbard and Bob Nowicki. Both Carolyn and Bob won awards in the show! Congratulations to all members who were in the show. The watercolors really “held their own” with the oils and pastels. We want to give a big thank you for the hard work and organizational skills of Deb Ward, who coordinated and managed Viewpoint this year! It was a very strong show.
Winter Weather Notice
Shirley reminded the members to check the local TV stations for reports of closings in the coming winter months.
Election for Leadership 2010
Shirley postponed the vote for the new Leadership team until December, hoping someone will step forward and agree to take over the Recording Secretary position beginning March 2010. Anyone who is willing to fill this position, please call Rhonda Carpenter. She will talk to you about the position, what it entails, and will be very happy to help you get started in the position.
Shirley noted that, with over 100 members in the GCWS, we have had only 15 members who have or currently hold any leadership or committee positions. Perhaps someone new could come forward to fill a needed position? After a show of hands of those who regularly check the blog for minutes, it was obvious that very few go online to get the minutes. Maybe that is an indication that the position of Recording Secretary and the blog are not necessary?
Art Shows and News
Queen City Art Club has a new website: Sandy Maudlin will be giving a yupo demonstration on Wednesday, November 18th, at the QCAC meeting. Check the website for more information.
Sam Hollingsworth reminded members to pick up a flyer for his winter session watercolor classes at Baker Hunt. The session begins in January and it’s not too early to sign up for beginning or intermediate watercolor with Sam.

Using only one pure green (Sap Green), Judy added 2 yellows, 1 blue and 1 red to her palette. She added those colors to the Sap Green to create a variety of greens for her foliage. She first made swatches of the colors to show what her palette would look like and the variety of colors she could create from just a few colors and one pure green. She showed us a finished painting to demonstrate how she varies her greens.

In the demo painting, Judy wanted one set of trees to be pure color with lots of punch, and one set of trees to be more grayed greens. She said she wanted the pure color trees to stand out so they would make the building darker than they were in reality. She said we needed to remember that we are artists, not photographers, and we have the ability to change what we want in order to create drama and excitement in our paintings.
Judy noted that, when a painting isn’t working, 70% of time, it’s the values that aren’t right. So don’t be afraid of darks! She said she’d rather take a chance and go darker and possibly ruin a painting than have a “closet full of blahs.”
As she painted, Judy talked about how she normally paints, creating general blanket shapes of color and waiting to create more dimension with values, shapes and colors. She said every painting will have a domino effect = if you change one thing, you will have to change something else that is affected by the first change.
With all those greens in the painting, she wanted to have some warms in places to draw your eye and move your eye through the painting. She did this by placing some pure, warm yellow in doorways, for tree trunks, and in the sky to represent the sun.

Judy said one of the best things she ever learned in a workshop was, “Warm…Cool…Warm…
Cool…Warm.” Meaning, if you put something warm against something cool and continue, your eye will move through the painting easily.
Before the painting is finished, Judy likes to put in a little pattern and texture. Those patterns in her paintings have become a signature style for her, as well as her great design sense and use of color.

Judy said she used to do many value studies, but now she creates a line drawing, takes it to a copy center and has it blown up as much as 200%. When it’s blown up, she knows whether or not the shapes work in a large painting. She also uses a product called Color Aid, laying the large squares of color on a painting to test a color before putting it on her painting. She sometimes uses a piece of acetate on top of the painting, painting on it to help her choose a color if she’s ever in doubt

She also puts a thin line of paint around objects – not in the same color as the object but using a very dark color. This makes it like a watercolor with pen-and-ink, but without the black ink.
She will work more on this painting but, for today, the demo was complete and we got another look at the style and design elements that are so strong in all of Judy’s colorful, whimsical, beautiful paintings.
Critique Session
Judy led the critique session, and several members gained insight into how to make their paintings better using color variety and better compositional planning.
Judy stayed after the demo and meeting to lead the paint-along, sharing more of her painting knowledge with the members.
Administration/Business Reports
Shirley Knollman (President) opened the meeting with this “funny” from the internet:
“Researchers have recently discovered that the artist, Vincent van Gogh had quite a few interesting relatives:
A grandfather who moved to Yugoslavia = U Gogh
A dizzy blonde aunt = Verti Gogh
A brother who worked at a convenience story = Stopen Gogh
A magician uncle = Wherediddy Gogh
A psychiatrist nephew = E. Gogh
A niece who danced in a mini-skirt = Go Gogh
A very obnoxious brother = Please Gogh
A sister with a small bladder = Gotta Gogh
A cousin who moved to Illinois = Chica Gogh
A niece who moved to Mexico = Ami Gogh
A second cousin who drove a stagecoach = Wells Far Gogh
A birdwatching uncle = Flamin Gogh
A grand-niece whom no one has heard from because she’s been travelling around the USA for years = Winnie Bay Gogh”
Today we all got to walk around the room, viewing the beautiful paintings in the Cincinnati Art Club’s Viewpoint show. Several of our members got into the juried show. The members present were asked to stand by their painting and talk about their inspiration for their image.

Other members who were juried into the show, but were not present at today’s meeting were, Carolyn Ross Hibbard and Bob Nowicki. Both Carolyn and Bob won awards in the show! Congratulations to all members who were in the show. The watercolors really “held their own” with the oils and pastels. We want to give a big thank you for the hard work and organizational skills of Deb Ward, who coordinated and managed Viewpoint this year! It was a very strong show.
Winter Weather Notice
Shirley reminded the members to check the local TV stations for reports of closings in the coming winter months.
Election for Leadership 2010
Shirley postponed the vote for the new Leadership team until December, hoping someone will step forward and agree to take over the Recording Secretary position beginning March 2010. Anyone who is willing to fill this position, please call Rhonda Carpenter. She will talk to you about the position, what it entails, and will be very happy to help you get started in the position.
Shirley noted that, with over 100 members in the GCWS, we have had only 15 members who have or currently hold any leadership or committee positions. Perhaps someone new could come forward to fill a needed position? After a show of hands of those who regularly check the blog for minutes, it was obvious that very few go online to get the minutes. Maybe that is an indication that the position of Recording Secretary and the blog are not necessary?
Art Shows and News
Queen City Art Club has a new website: Sandy Maudlin will be giving a yupo demonstration on Wednesday, November 18th, at the QCAC meeting. Check the website for more information.
Sam Hollingsworth reminded members to pick up a flyer for his winter session watercolor classes at Baker Hunt. The session begins in January and it’s not too early to sign up for beginning or intermediate watercolor with Sam.
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