Saturday, November 20, 2010

Minutes Nov. 10, 2010

President Eileen Hulsman called the meeting to order.

We met the second Wednesday due to the Viewpoint show's preparations the first Wednesday, but it allowed those present to enjoy our meeting in the midst of the show hung around us. The club members who had entered the show, as well as those who actually were accepted, we recognized at the meeting. It was noted that the first prize this year was a watercolor.

Deb Ward announced that she had sent out the names of new members to those on the e-mail list.

Treasurer's Report
Alice Fossett announced that the income from the art show was $420, with 42 members entering, and the expenses were $683, including prizes, judge's fee, publicity, and miscellaneous costs.

The Scholarship Fund still needs a chair. Joan Miley announced a raffle to be held at the Dec. meeting to raise money for the scholarship fund.

Deb Ward - Fluid Acrylics workshop Nov 13/14.
The Cincinnati Women's Art Club - fiber show exhibit at The Barn in Mariemont.
Queen City Art Club - "Christmas in Mason" at the Mason Public Library.
Howrad Krause - a workshop by Tony Van Hasslet in Oxford.

At our December meeting, with presenter Sandy Maudlin, there will be no charge for the afternoon workshop, which will be held after the holiday luncheon, supplied by members. Members were asked to bring things in dishes either clearly marked or in dishes they did not want back.

Nancy Nordloh Neville presented the program: Working with the White of the Paper, followed by a critique, then an afternoon workshop.

The December meeting will have Sandy Maudlin as presenter, with a luncheon provided by the members and a free afternoon workshop.

Carol Fencl, Communication Chair

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